Yoga Poses For Beginners For Weight Reduction - Meteorio

Yoga Poses For Beginners For Weight Reduction

| 4 years ago

Yoga poses for beginners are so important today. As I remember, when I wanted to learn yoga I couldn’t find the right article regarding yoga poses. I spent hours searching on the internet for yoga poses for beginners for weight reduction. You may be thinking why I was searching for yoga poses for beginner’s weight loss? But I was chubby and reducing my weight being my desire. I tried everything but no use at all. I was so disappointed. So I thought why not yoga. But being a beginner I can’t start with difficult yoga poses. I had to search for yoga poses for beginners’ weight loss.


Often people don’t associate yoga with weight loss, but once you step into a class during a yoga studio you’ll see the gang is filled with toned, healthy people. Yoga, when done routinely and properly, is really how you’ll notice your muscles burn and tremble with energy once you hold a balanced position, which suggests you’re using the muscle within the same way to activate it when lifting weights. Once you activate muscles, your body also accelerates your heart, burns calories and fat.


Tired of all the pain, sweating, hunger, and hard training to burn your calories and reduce your weight let’s ditch starving and advance to a lively, calm, and efficient method, how about yoga to lose weight? It sounds interesting. To understand that yoga, with the mixture of activity and quietness, calms your spirit. Moreover, your dreams of being in shape and cause you to become strong. So, we will tell you about yoga poses for beginners to reduce weight


The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root “Yuj”, which means “to link”, “yoke” or “to unite.” According to the yogic scriptures, practicing yoga leads to the unification of individual as well as Universal consciousness, which implies flawless harmony between body and mind as well as Nature and Man

Yoga is an active process, it’s how you connect with the world to create harmony. Yoga helps in building connections. This connection is not just physical, but mental, emotional, and even spiritual. It involves your whole being and is different from getting on a treadmill and watching TV.

We’ve rounded up a number of our favorite yoga poses for weight loss. These poses employ large muscle groups which are very effective for burning calories and that they also are quite challenging so that they will assist you to build lean muscles in your body.

Yoga is the specialty of retraining your brain and controlling your cognitive faculties to be dynamic throughout the day. Yoga makes you more mindful of the workings of your body. As you become focused, you become more careful of the food you eat, the calories. , the eating patterns you follow, and so forth, alongside the activities, in addition, essential to track your calorie intake and dietary patterns, for, the right weight reduction. Moreover, yoga contributes significantly to your work to get more fit.

Also read: Suryanamaskar Benefits For Eudaimonia

Sleep is often is connected with weight loss. Lack and excess sleep affect drastic changes in your body. Excessive sleep adds bloating and increases your weight, and less sleep, fatigues you in and out adding the pounds. Practicing yoga every day helps you to get enough sleep, neither too less nor too much.

Yoga is the best way to deal with stress and anxiety, it reduces stress hormones and rise happiness hormones. This keeps us healthy. It is stress management that helps over-eating habit. We eat a lot when we are stressed or tired. One usually chooses to eat sweet and unhealthy food, which increases your kilos to double. Yoga exercises help one to calm down and manage one’s stress eating habits, fall of calories is double.




The Simhasana is so named because it looks like a roaring lion in its final pose. This asana requires the body and face to work to invoke the intense roar of a lion. This is a fairly comfortable asana that one can do.

This asana is practiced with the other yoga asanas early in the morning, but in case you cannot wake up or have other chores to attend to, this asana is also done in the evening. Just make sure you leave at least 4-6 hours between meals and practice. The stomach and bowels must not be full when you do this asana.

How to do it?

To begin the asana, kneel on the floor. Cross your ankles so that the front of the right ankle crosses the back of the left ankle. The feet must point on both sides. The perineum should press on your heels.

Put your palms on your knees. Spread your palms apart so that your fingers are spread apart. Press them firmly against each knee.

Inhale through your nose, opening your mouth and sticking out your tongue, curling the tip towards your chin. Your eyes should be wide open and the muscles in the front of your throat should contract. Exhale through your mouth while making a distinct ha sound. You must ensure that the breath passes through the back of the throat.

While few people mention that one needs to stare between the eyebrows, on the other hand, other people mention that one needs to see at the tip of the nose. Follow the asana again by doing the same asana again. This is also one of the easy yoga poses for beginners for weight reduction. This asana can be done by anyone and there are no don’ts in it.


  • Stimulates the platysma (a thin, flat, rectangular muscle that lies in the front of the neck). It holds that muscle in place as we continue to age.
  • Ancient texts say this asana destroys diseases and activates the three main bandhas – Mula, Jalandhara, and Uddiyana.
  • These are the parts that this asana benefits from – face, eyes, Tongue, throat, vocal cords, abdomen, airways, diaphragm, chest, hands, and fingers.
  • Help get rid of infections that affect the respiratory tract.
  • It helps to exercise the tongue due to the full stretch outside of the mouth.
  • Bad breath becomes less
  • The decrease in stuttering, teeth grinding, clenched jaw, and back pain
  • Eliminate’s wrinkles and slows aging
  • Relieves burning eyes
  • Also relaxes neck muscles
  • This asana helps to improve the tone and texture of the voice


Adho Mukha Shvanasana

Adho Mukha Shvanasana

The downward-facing dog pose or Adho Mukha Shvanasana is an asana pronounced as A-doh MOO-Kah shvah-NAS-anna. The name comes from the Sanskrit words adhas and means “down”, mukha means “face “, śvāna means” dog “and” sana “which means” attitude “.

The Adho Mukha Svanasana looks similar to a dog when it leans forward. This asana has numerous amazing benefits that make it extremely important for you to practice it every day. Best of all, even beginners can understand this asana with ease.

Your bowels and stomach must be empty before performing this asana. Take a few hours off between your last meal and exercise. This leaves enough time for your meal. This asana helps a lot when done in the morning.

How to do it?

One’s body structure of a table and done standing on four limbs
Exhale and slowly lift one’s hips and make one’s elbows and knees. The body forms a ‘V’ inverted.

Your hands, your shoulders, and your feet in line along with your hips. One’s toes are pointing outwards.

Put one’s hands to the floor and the neck should stretch out. See that the one’s ears touch towards inner arms and you should be looking at the navel.

Be in that asana for some seconds then fold one’s knees and back to the table position.


  • Digestion gets better
  • There is better circulation in the body
  • Also, abdominal Muscles strengthened
  • Tones The Hands And Feet
  • Diminishes Anxiety

3.For Shoulders and Upper Back

Ardha Matsyendranath

Ardha Matsyendranath

Furthermore, this asana is named after the yogi Matsyendranath. The Sanskrit words ‘Ardha’, are known as half, ‘Matsya’, known as fish, ‘Indra’, known for a God, and asana, known as posture. This asana is additionally called Vakrasana. ‘Vakra’ signifies bent in Sanskrit. Some different names for this asana incorporate the Half Lord of the Fishes Pose and the Half Spinal Twist. Pronounced As- ARE-dah MAT-see-en-DRAHS-anna

How to do it?

Sit erect with your legs loosened up. Your feet are set together and your spine is erect.

Presently, twist your left leg with the end goal that the impact point of the left foot lies close to the correct hip. You could likewise keep the left leg loosened up on the off chance that you like.

At that point, place the correct leg close to one side knee by taking it over the knee.

Bend your midsection, neck, and shoulders towards the right, and set your look over your correct shoulder. Ensure your spine is erect.

There are numerous ways you can put your arms to increase and reduce the stretch. Be that as it may, to do it, you can put the correct hand behind you, and the left hand on the correct knee.

Hold the posture for a couple of seconds, around 30 to 60 as you inhale gradually, yet profoundly.

Breathe out and discharge the correct hand, and afterward the abdomen, chest, lastly the neck. Unwind as you sit straight.

Follow the same with the opposite side, and afterward breathe out and return to the front.

Also read: Obesity as a Lifestyle Curse


  • Makes the spine more adaptable.
  • Assists with extending the muscles on one side of the body while compressing the muscles on the opposite side.
  • Soothes firmness and pain in the back.
  • Asana assists with relieving a slipped disk.
  • Betters the digestive system
  • Help for those who have diabetes.
  • Relaxation from stress.
  • There is an increase in oxygen
  • Good blood circulation.
  • Improves reproductive system functioning
  • Saves you from urinary infections




Paripurna – Complete, Nav – boat, Asana – Posture. The pronunciation for this is par-ee-POOR-nah nah-VAHS-anna. Therefore, this purification, when accompanied by a lot of dedication and practice, can be a great encouragement.

Hence, this brings energy and balance to our lives, just like a ship slowly sailing the ocean. The density of the Navasana is a perfect reflection of the posture that requires the density of the hands and feet, and the body must be in large ‘V. ‘

This asana is often called Naukasana. This asana is for yoga poses for beginners as it is easy and comfortable to do.

Before practicing this asana, make sure that your stomach is empty. Eat your food four to six hours before exercising.

It is best to do yoga in the morning. But if you cannot exercise in the morning, it is better to exercise in the evening.

How to do it?

To begin this asana, sit upright, with your legs spread out in front of you

Lift the body, making sure the hips are raised. The goal is directly on the back and makes sure it is balanced.

Exhale and lift your legs so that they are at a 45-degree angle to the floor.

Stretch the tailbone and bring the hips closer to the navel.

Straighten your knees. Raise your toes to eye level. Be sure to sit on your buttocks and tailbone.

Now lift your arms and stretch them so that they are parallel to the ground. Make sure your lower abdomen is strong, but not thick and stiff.

Breathe constantly. Hold the pose for 10 to 20 seconds at the beginning, and while exercising, increase the time.

Exhale as you relax and come back to your first posture.


  • It strengthens the spine, hips, and abdomen.
  • Stimulation of the glands, kidneys, intestines, and kidneys.
  • Decreases stress levels and Improve digestion.
  • This asana maintains your energy stability and helps you focus better.
  • Weight reduction.
  • Strengthens and tone reproduction system


Baddha Konasana

Baddha Konasana

One will pronounce this as BAH-dah cone-AHS-anna

This asana is named after the Sanskrit. Furthermore, words baddha significance bound, kona importance point or split, and asana significance pose.

Frequently, you will discover shoemakers sitting in this situation as they approach their everyday errands. Also, this is known as Cobbler Pose.

It is likewise called the Butterfly Pose. And the here and their developments look like a butterfly moving. While it is incredibly straightforward, it has a ton of advantages amazingly.

This asana is done in the morning. However, on the off chance that you can’t awaken or have different errands to take care of, this asana should be possible at night.

Simply ensure a four to six-hour gap between your food and your training. Your stomach and guts should be vacant when you do this asana. This is an apt asana for yoga poses for beginners for weight reduction.

How to do it?

Sit straight. Legs stretched out. Inhale out, and pull your heels close to your pelvis. Press the bottoms of your feet to near one another, and your knees drop on either side.

Carry your heels as near your pelvis as you can. At that point, utilizing your thumb and your first finger, hold the large toe of one’s feet. One should see the external side of the individual’s foot should be touching the ground.

Continuously recollect that your knees ought to never at any point be compelled to the ground. You can attempt to bring down the tops of the thigh bones towards the floor. This will naturally cut your knees down. Hold the posture for around one to five minutes. Breathe in, and lift your knees and leave your legs.


  • This asana incredibly benefits pregnant ladies, assisting them with having smooth and simple labor.
  • Asana upgrades the working of the reproductive system in ladies.
  • Improvement in blood circulation everywhere on the body.
  • Energizes the kidneys and the prostate organ alongside the bladder and stomach organs too.
  • An extraordinary work as a stress reliever. It likewise diminishes weariness.
  • Helps in solving menstrual problems
  • It likewise betters the stance as it extends your spine and reduces sciatica.
  • Assists with relieving problems of asthma, level feet, barrenness, and hypertension.
  • A practice done on a daily basis has the advantage of not getting prone to any illness

6.Calf Muscles

Virabhadrasana 2

Virabhadrasana 2

Moreover, this is pronounced as veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna

This asana is named after the legendary character made by Lord Shiva called Veerabhadra.

Veera in Sanskrit implies legend, Bhadra implies companion, and Asana implies pose.

This stance is quite possibly the most smooth stances in yoga. It commends the accomplishments of a legendary hero.

Warrior Pose or the Warrior Pose II is also another name of the asana

It is ideal to rehearse yoga promptly toward the beginning of the day, particularly on the off chance that it is an asana as incredible as this that improves center and focus.

In any case, in the event that you can’t rehearse toward the beginning of the day, you could do it at night as well.

Something else you should do before you do this asana is to keep your stomach unfilled.

Ensure you eat your food, in any event, four to six hours before the training with the goal that the food is appropriately digested and you have sufficient energy created for your exercise.

This is also one of the best yoga poses for beginners for weight reduction too.

How to do it?

Right foot outwards by around 90 degrees and your left foot inwards by around 15 degrees. You need to ensure that the impact point of your right foot is totally adjusted to the focal point of the left foot.

Lift your arms sideways with the end goal that they are at your shoulder stature. Ensure your palms are confronting upwards, and your arms are in line to the ground.

Take a full breath, and as you breathe out, twist your right knee. Your right knee ought not to overshoot your lower leg. Your right knee and right lower leg should frame a straight line.

Presently, delicately turn your head, and look to one side.

As you get settled in the posture, you need to drive yourself further. Stretch your arms, and delicately push your pelvis down.

Stay in the posture as decided as a champion and happily. Continue to relax.

Breathe in and emerge from the posture. As you breathe out drop the arms

Rehash the posture to your left side leg by turning your left foot outwards by 90 degrees and your right foot inwards by around 15 degrees.


  • This asana reinforces and extends the legs and lower legs.
  • It likewise serves to altogether extend the chest, lungs, and shoulders.
  • Assists with energizing the stomach organs and improves absorption.
  • Asana assists with expanding endurance as well.
  • Calms any sort of spinal pains, particularly those accomplished during pregnancy.
  • Mitigating level feet, osteoporosis, carpal passage disorder, and sciatica.
  • Advances calmness in a person


Ananda Balasana

Ananda Balasana

This pronunciation is AH-nahn-dah-BAHL-as-ahna

The Ananda balasana is likewise called the happy child’s posture or the dead bug act like it takes after both intently. However, since a glad infant appears to be more certain, and the asana effectively affects the body. Hence, it is more known as the happy child’s posture. Known for its natural capacity to quiet the brain and de-stress the body.

It is ideal to rehearse the Ananda Balasana promptly toward the beginning of the day when your brain is calm and peaceful. On the off chance that your routine doesn’t allow morning exercise, it is best you practice this asana in the evening when one’s stomach is not full.

Give an interval of in any event four to six hours between your food and exercise so your food is appropriately processed and you have enough energy for the exercise.

How to do it?

Your back should be on the ground. Breathe in and get your knees towards one’s chest

You must hold one’s big toes. Ensure your arms are gotten through the inner parts of your knees as you hold your toes. Tenderly open up your hips and broaden your legs to extend the stretch.

Into the chest, one’s chin should be tucked and ensure one’s head is on the ground.

It should press one’s tailbone and the sacrum down towards the ground at the same time press one’s heels up, This is done by pulling back with one’s arms.

Both the rear of the neck and the shoulders down to the floor should be pressed. The entire territory of the back and the spine ought to be squeezed level on the floor.

Inhale regularly and hold the posture between 30 seconds to one minute.

Breathe out and let go of your arms and legs. Lie on the ground for a couple of seconds before you proceed onward to the following asana.


  • Extends the back and the spine and furthermore the internal piece of the thighs, and hamstrings.
  • It is an incredible hip opener. It utilizes the arms’ solidarity rather than gravity to chip away at the hips, along these lines fortifying the arms and biceps also.
  • This pose present pursues of delivering all the pressure caught in the lower back.
  • Assists open with strengthening the shoulders and the chest.
  • Profoundly packs the stomach and back rub the organs in the stomach-related framework.
  • Loosens up the sacrum.
  • Rehearsing the upbeat posture consistently likewise lessens the pulse, subsequently unwinding and quieting the psyche. It likewise causes discharge pressure inferable from the profound stretch.

This is also one of the best yoga poses for beginners for weight reduction.


These yoga poses for beginners for weight reduction make you able to do the easy yoga poses and at the same time, it is beneficial for other things too. We all know that there are individuals who do not want to become slim, but everything is not about becoming slim. It is about staying healthy and having a healthy body. As you see that every pose has different benefits. So by doing these yoga poses will benefit your whole body. That’s the reason I have chosen these specific yoga poses for you’ll. I hope you all will enjoy it.


  1. Yoga Poses and Asanas: Beginner to Advanced - Yoga Journal

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Dr. Pritika Gonsalves

(@Dr. Pritika Gonsalves)

Hi!! I'm Dr. Pritika Gonsalves. I'm a Child Psychologist by profession. But I love reading novels. I love to write about different cuisines, various cultures, traveling, mental health, etc. I feel my knowledge should be useful and aid the other individuals in their lives too.

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