Section 192: How to Calculate TDS on Salary FY 2017-18 [AY 2018-19] - Meteorio

Section 192: How to Calculate TDS on Salary FY 2017-18 [AY 2018-19]

| 7 years ago

Every employer should deduct TDS at an average rate of income tax while paying salary to their employees if annual salary payment exceeds Rs.2.5 lakh (for individual below 60 years) or 3 lakh (for individual of 60 years or more but less than 80 years) or Rs.5 lakh (for individual of 80 years or more). [Section 192 of Income Tax Act]


TDS Deductor– The Employer

TDS Deductee– The Employee

TDS Rate- Average rate of income-tax computed on the basis of the rates in force for the financial year in which the payment is made

TDS deducted- At the time of actual payment of Salary


Calculation of TDS on Salary 

Step 1:

Calculate taxable income of the employee under the head “Income from Salary” and add any other income reported by the employee.

Employee shall give a statement of Incomes from sources other than salary and any TDS already deducted in prescribed form to their employer. [Rule 26B]

Losses other than house property losses will not be considered by the employer. Maximum House Property loss for AY 2018-19 is Rs 2 Lakh.


                               Computation of Income From Salary
Basic Salary
2annuity or pensionxx
4Fees or commissionxx
5Advance Salaryxx
6Fees or commissionxx
7Leave Encashmentxx
8Employer’s PF contribution
in Excess of 10% of Salary
9Interest in PF a/c in excess of
1/3 of salary or prescribed rate
10Pension under section 80CCDxx
Perquisites[u/s 17(2), Form no 12BA]xx
Profits in lieu of Salary[u/s 17(3), Form no 12BA]xx
1 Allowances u/s 10(xx)
2Entertainment Allowance(xx)
3Tax on Employment
(Professional tax)
 Taxable Income under the head Salaryxxxx
Add: Any other income reported by Employeexx
Gross Total Incomexxxx
Less: Deductions under Chapter VI-A
180C, 80CCC, 80CCD(xx)
2 Other sections under Chapter
Total Incomexxxx
Tax on total income including cess @ 3%xx
Less- Relief under section 89(xx)
Net Tax payablexx

Step 2:

 Ask employee to submit Form 12BB along with the evidences For:


Nature of ClaimEvidence or particulars
House Rent AllowanceIf rent paid in a year exceeds Rs. 1 Lakh-
1. Name of Landlord
2. Address of Landlord
3. PAN of Landlord
Leave travel concession or assistanceEvidence of Expenditure
Deduction of interest under the head “Income from house property”Name, address and permanent account
number of the lender/Bank/Financial Institution
Deduction under Chapter VI-A
Like 80C
Evidence of investment or expenditure
like Life insurance Premium Receipts


Step 3:

After getting satisfactory evidence and particulars from step 2, calculate average income tax rate for total income specified in step 1. Apply this rate on each month’s salary to deduct appropriate TDS.

After initial calculation of Average tax rate, if employer finds any excess or deficient in TDS deduction, he can adjust (increase or reduce) TDS amount of subsequent period/months.

The employer should deposit TDS and file TDS return within the due dates. Once TDS return has been filed, these TDS deduction will get reflected in employee’s 26AS.


Example: Mr.Ram, age 28, have estimated total income of Rs.5,80,000/- . If his employer pays Rs.60000/- for August 2017. Calculate TDS under salary and Net pay-out.

Solution: Tax on total income = [12500 + (580000-500000)*20%] + Cess 3% = Rs.29,355/- (refer calculator or slab rate)

Average income tax rate = [29355/580000] * 100 = 5.06%

Therefore, TDS on salary while making actual payment for August 2017 = 60000*5.06% = Rs.3,036/-

Net pay-out = 60000-3036 = Rs.56,964/-

Income Tax Slab Rate For AY 2018-19 (Normal Individuals)

Total IncomeRate of Tax
Upto 2,50,000Nil
From 2,50,001 to 5,00,0005% on Total income in excess of Rs.2.5 lakh
From 5,00,001 to 10,00,000Rs.12,500/-
Add (+)
20% of total income in excess of Rs. 5 lakh
From 10,00,001 and moreRs.1,12,500/-
Add (+)
30% of total income in excess of Rs. 10 lakh



TDS on Salary From More Than One Employer

As per section 192(2), where an assessee is working under more than one employer or has changed from one employer to another, he can ask any one of his employer to deduct TDS. However, when the assessee has changed employer during the year, his present employer should deduct required TDS.  [Not Mandatory]

The assessee should disclose to his chosen or present employer his salary income and TDS already deducted (if any) by other employer in writing and duly verified by him and by the former/other employer. [Use Form 12B]

The present/chosen employer will be required to deduct tax at source on the aggregate amount of salary (including salary received from the former or other employer).

Recommended to Read: How to file online Tax Return for Salaries Person


Reference: Circular No 29/2017

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Pravin Giri

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Pravin is a Qualified Chartered Accountant [CA]. Gives opinions on Income tax, GST, and finance.Find him on Twitter @Pravinkumargiri

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