Top 10 Unconventional Questions to Ask Your Interviewer - Meteorio

Top 10 Unconventional Questions to Ask Your Interviewer

| 1 month ago

Ever felt like you’ve nailed that job interview, only to be blindsided by the “Do you have any questions for us?” moment? Trust us, you’re not alone. But instead of scrambling for a generic response, why not use this opportunity to stand out? Here are the top 10 unconventional questions to ask your interviewer that will not only impress them but also give you valuable insights into the company.

1. What’s the company’s policy on celebrating wins?

Sure, the company culture is important, but wouldn’t you love to know if there’s champagne popping after a big project? Or is it more of a quiet pat on the back? Asking this question shows that you’re interested in the team dynamics and how success is recognized. And speaking of success, make sure your resume is aligned with the job description before you step into the interview room. Tools like ResumeAI can help you fine-tune your resume for the role.

2. How do you handle failure here?

Nobody’s perfect, and that includes companies. Understanding how a company deals with setbacks can give you a peek into its resilience and support system. Plus, it shows you’re not just interested in the good times, but also in how they navigate the rough patches.

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3. If the company were a TV show character, who would it be?

This one’s a bit playful, but it’s a great way to gauge the company’s personality. Are they more of a laid-back “Chandler Bing,” or a go-getter “Leslie Knope”? The answer can tell you a lot about the work environment and the company’s values.

4. What’s something that’s surprised you about working here?

This question goes beyond the job description and corporate website. It opens up a more personal dialogue, giving you a chance to hear an honest opinion about the unexpected perks (or quirks) of the workplace.

5. What’s the biggest challenge the company is currently facing?

Getting a sense of the company’s struggles can be just as important as knowing about its successes. This question shows that you’re thinking like a problem-solver and are eager to contribute to the company’s growth.

6. Can you tell me about the team I’ll be working with?

The people you’ll be spending your 9-to-5 with are a crucial part of job satisfaction. By asking this, you’re showing interest in the human side of the workplace, and it also gives you a chance to assess the team’s dynamics.

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7. What’s the one thing that keeps you up at night about this company?

This one’s a bit more daring, but it can lead to a candid conversation about the company’s pain points. It shows you’re thinking critically and are interested in the company’s long-term health, not just your paycheck.

8. What does success look like in this role?

It’s important to know what will be expected of you, but this question goes a step further by asking how success is defined and measured. It can also help clarify the priorities and goals for the role.

9. What’s the company’s stance on work-life balance?

Work-life balance is a top priority for many job seekers today. By asking this, you can get a sense of how much the company values your personal time and whether they support flexible working arrangements.

10. What are the opportunities for growth and advancement?

Finally, it’s always good to know where the role could take you. This question shows that you’re thinking long-term and are interested in growing with the company, not just filling a spot. And just like you’re considering your future with the company, take a moment to ensure your resume is ready for the future as well. Use ResumeAI to fine-tune your resume before the big day.

Remember, interviews are a two-way street. It’s not just about the company finding the right candidate, but also about you finding the right company. So next time you’re in the hot seat, try out one of these unconventional questions and see how the conversation shifts. And before you even get there, make sure your resume is polished and ready with the help of ResumeAI.

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Prabhat Giri

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