GST Cess : Meaning, Calculation and Rates - Meteorio

GST Cess : Meaning, Calculation and Rates

| 7 years ago

Meaning of Cess Under GST

GST Cess is an additional indirect tax that has been introduced through the GST (Compensation to States) Act, 2017.

GST Cess is charged only on the supply of notified/selected goods and services. The Cess would be in addition to the normal GST rates. You can get GST rate- Here.

Broadly there are 6 supplies on which GST cess applies. These are:

  1. Pan Masala
  2. Prescribed water
  3. Tobacco and related products
  4. Minerals
  5. Vehicles
  6. Specified services

gst CESS

🙄 So, Why GST Cess is Levied?

Previously in the VAT regime, sales tax (VAT) was collected by the state Govt. from which supplies were made.

Say, Mr.Ram of West Bengal supplies good to Bihar. In this case, West Bengal Govt. would have collected CST from Mr.Ram. Bihar will get nothing from this transaction.

After the implementation of GST, taxes are getting apportioned between the Centre and the states in which consumption takes place.

In the above case, after the implementation of GST, Mr Ram will pay IGST. This IGST will get apportioned between Centre and Bihar (Consuming state). West Bengal will get nothing from this transaction.

In order to compensate the supplying state (WB in above case) from revenue loss, GST (Compensation to States) Act, 2017 was introduced. Supplying states have been guaranteed 14% p.a revenue growth for the next 5 years.

Clean Environmental Cess on coal will be replaced by GST Compensation Cess.

🙄 Who will collect GST Cess?

Every taxable person under GST supplying prescribed goods or services or both shall collect GST Cess at a prescribed rate.

Composite Dealers are not required to collect GST Cess.

💡 How GST Cess is Calculated?

GST cess rate shall be levied on prescribed supplies of goods and services, on the basis of value, quantity or on the prescribed basis at the prescribed rate.

GST cess on goods imported into India shall be levied and collected in accordance with the provisions of section 3 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975, at the point when duties of customs are levied on the said goods under section 12 of the Customs Act, 1962, on a value determined under the Customs Tariff Act, 1975.

Example: D S Ltd, a manufacturer of Pan Masala, sell Rajni Gandha of Rs.10,000 (excl.GST) to a dealer. GST rate of Pan Masala is 28% and GST cess rate is 60%.  Do the GST Cess Calculation?

Solution: The total bill amount after GST and cess will be Rs.18,800/-.

Pan Masala10000
GST (CGST+SGST/IGST) @ 28%2800
GST Cess @ 60% (10000*0.6)6000

Qes: Can I avail ITC of Cess paid on inward supplies?

Ans: Yes, ITC of cess paid on inward supply can be availed. But it should be availed against the payment of Cess liability only.

Refund: Input Credit [ITC] of Compensation Cess

A person making zero rate supply can claim the refund of input compensation cess even if the final product is not leviable to cess. [Section 16(3)(a) IGST]

Refund will be available only in the case of export made under bond or Letter of Undertaking [LOU].

SM Steel, an exporter of Spong Iron, pay cess on coal which is an input for the manufacture of Spong Iron.

In this case, SM Steel can claim the refund of unutilised input tax credit (including compensation cess), if it exports Iron under bond or Letter of Undertaking, subject to such conditions, safeguards and procedure as may be prescribed.

If the entity export Iron on payment of integrated tax than it can claim the refund of only the paid IGST.


💡 GST Cess Rates

Sl noHSN Code                            Description of GoodsRate of GST
cess %
                                                                        Prescribed Water
22202-10-10Aerated waters12
                                                               Tobacco and related products
52401Unmanufactured tobacco (without lime tube) –
bearing a brand name
62401Unmanufactured tobacco (with lime tube) – bearing a
brand name
72401-30-00Tobacco refuse, bearing a brand name61
82402-10-10Cigar and cheroots21% or Rs. 4170
per thousand,
whichever is
92402-10-20Cigarillos21% or Rs. 4170
per thousand,
whichever is
102402-20-10Cigarettes containing tobacco other than filter cigarettes, of length, not exceeding 65 millimetres5% + Rs. 2076 per thousand
112402-20-20Cigarettes containing tobacco other than filter cigarettes, of length exceeding 65 millimetres but not exceeding 75 millimetres5%+ Rs. 3668 per thousand
122402-20-30Filter cigarettes of length (including the length of the filter, the length of filter being 11 millimetres or its
actual length, whichever is more) not exceeding 65
5% + Rs. 2076 per thousand
132402-20-40Filter cigarettes of length (including the length of the
filter, the length of filter being 11 millimetres or its
actual length, whichever is more) exceeding 65
millimetres but not exceeding 70 millimetres
5% + Rs. 2747 per thousand
142402-20-50Filter cigarettes of length (including the length of the
filter, the length of filter being 11 millimetres or its
actual length, whichever is more) exceeding 70
millimetres but not exceeding 75 millimetres
“5% + Rs. 3668 per thousand
152402-20-90Other cigarettes containing tobacco36% + Rs. 4170 per thousand
162402-90-10Cigarettes of tobacco substitutesRs.4006 per
172402-90-20Cigarillos of tobacco substitutes12.5% or Rs.
4,006 per
whichever is
182402-90-90Others12.5% or Rs.
4,006 per
whichever is
192403-11-10Hookah’ or ‘gudaku’ tobacco bearing a brand name72
202403-11-10Tobacco used for smoking ‘hookah’ or ‘chilam’
commonly known as ‘hookah’ tobacco or ‘gudaku’
not bearing a brand name
212403-11-90Other water pipe smoking tobacco not bearing a
brand name.
222403-19-10Smoking mixtures for pipes and cigarettes290
232403-19-90Other smoking tobacco bearing a brand name49
242403-19-90Other smoking tobacco not bearing a brand name11
252403-91-00“Homogenised” or “reconstituted” tobacco, bearing a
brand name
262403-99-10Chewing tobacco (without lime tube)160
272403-99-10Chewing tobacco (with lime tube)142
282403-99-10Filter khaini160
292403-99-20Preparations containing chewing tobacco72
302403-99-30Jarda scented tobacco160
322403-99-50Preparations containing snuff72
332403-99-60Tobacco extracts and essence bearing a brand name72
342403-99-60Tobacco extracts and essence not bearing a brand
352403-99-70Cut tobacco20
362403-99-90Pan masala containing tobacco ‘Gutkha’204
372403-99-90All goods, other than pan masala containing tobacco
‘gutkha’, bearing a brand name
382403-99-90All goods, other than pan masala containing tobacco
‘gutkha’, not bearing a brand name
392701Coal; briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels
manufactured from coal
Rs.400 per tonne
402702Lignite, whether or not agglomerated, excluding jetRs.400 per tonne
412703Peat (including peat litter), whether or not
Rs.400 per tonne
428702-10/8702-20/8702-30/8702-90Motor vehicles for the transport of not more than 13
persons, including the driver
438703-21 /
Petrol, Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) or
compressed natural gas (CNG) driven motor vehicles
of engine capacity not exceeding 1200cc and of
length not exceeding 4000 mm
448703Motor vehicles of engine capacity not exceeding 1500 cc17
458703Motor vehicles of engine capacity exceeding 1500 cc20
468703Motor vehicles of engine capacity exceeding 1500 cc,
popularly known as Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs)
including utility vehicles
448703-31Diesel driven motor vehicles of engine capacity
not exceeding 1500 cc and of length not exceeding
4000 mm
458711Motorcycles of engine capacity exceeding 350 cc.3
468802Other aircraft (for example, helicopters, aeroplanes),
for personal use
478803Yacht and other vessels for pleasure or sports3
                                                                      Specified Services
48Chap 99Transfer of the right to use any goodsCess rate on supply of such goods involving transfer of title in goods
49Chap 99Transfer of right in goods or of undivided share in goods without the transfer of title
Cess rate on supply of such goods involving transfer of title in goods
50Chap 99Leasing of motor vehicles purchased and leased prior to 1st July 201765% of Cess rate on supply of such goods involving transfer of title in goods


  1. Notification no 01/2017- CC
  2. Notification no 02/2017- CC
  3. Notification no 03/2017- CC
  4. Notification no 05/2017- CC
  5. Notification no 06/2017- CC
  6. GST (Compensation to States) Act, 2017

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Pravin Giri

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Pravin is a Qualified Chartered Accountant [CA]. Gives opinions on Income tax, GST, and finance.Find him on Twitter @Pravinkumargiri

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